Category: Practice Management

Paying for Pet Healthcare

For many, their pets are as important to them as any member of the family. Much like those other family members, however, an owner must take into account the health costs for their pet. While self-insurance is a viable option for many pet owners, pet care, nevertheless, can involve unexpectedly high bills that many families are not willing or able to absorb.

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Active Listening Versus Hearing

When others are talking, how much do we really listen? And, even if we hear what someone is saying, are we truly seeking to understand the meaning and intention behind their words? Sadly, too often the answer is “no.”

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Adjusting Retirement Plans for Inflation

Retirees have seen the purchasing power of their retirement income fall, while working Americans will now need to save and invest for a higher retirement income goal to ensure the same desired retirement standard of living. This erosion of purchasing power may continue for at least the next couple of years, lending urgency to the task of revisiting and potentially revising individuals’ personal retirement plans.

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