Growing Your Business With Social Responsibility

Engaging in giving back and being socially responsible is primarily done for altruistic reasons, but they can also contribute to the growth of your business.

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    Growing Your Business With Social Responsibility

    Growing Your Business With Social Responsibility

    Engaging in charitable activities is primarily done for altruistic reasons, but they can also contribute to the growth of your business. Social responsibility efforts that spring from a true passion will help ensure an enduring commitment and create a lasting impact on you and your community.

    Benefits of Giving Back

    There are several benefits of having an organized program for giving back, including:

    • Improving the image of your practice and heightening an esprit de corps among employees;
    • Generating favorable public relations that positions your firm as a caring member of the community;
    • Setting a benchmark of social responsibility for employees that can reinforce your standard of care and respect for clients; and
    • Making your practice more attractive to prospective employees who want to pair work with impact.

    Four Steps to Giving Back

    When you want to start a charitable initiative or reevaluate your existing one, consider these four steps:

    1. Define the “why” and “what.” Listing what is important to you can bring focus to your efforts and lead to more effective results. Is there a particular need in the community? Do you have a skillset that you can use to help others?
    2. Leverage relationships. Involve your clients. They may have skills, experience or contacts that enhance your efforts. Sharing charitable endeavors and giving back with clients is a great bonding and networking exercise.
    3. Promote your efforts. Use press releases, social media and your own internal communications to spread the word. Place posters or flyers in your reception area. However, it’s not just about self-promotion, because raising the awareness level of your cause may help to get others involve.
    4. Network with other donors. Shared interests may be one of the best ways to establish new personal relationships by introducing you to an entirely new circle of people.

    The American Portfolios Experience

    At American Portfolios, our experience with giving back has been richly satisfying. Our commitment to social responsibility is deeply rooted within our firm’s culture. This dedication to community encourages our employees and affiliated colleagues to be good citizens—both private and corporate. And, as a result, everyone stands to benefit. Below is a list of the non-profit organizations and charities with which we work on a regular basis:

    World T.E.A.M. Sports creates and organizes athletic events with teams of disabled and able-bodied athletes that challenge them to accomplish goals they never thought possible.

    Virtual Enterprises International is a non-profit organization that offers in-school experiential learning programs for high school students to form entrepreneurial, start-up businesses within a live global simulated setting.

    The DOME  Project helps young adults develop a healthy, positive sense of self by developing opportunities through meaningful education.

    The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is dedicated to funding research for blood cancer cures, distributing free information and services, and enabling blood cancer patients to live better, longer lives.

    Thame Sherpa Heritage Fund support the post-earthquake rebuilding and development of the Thame Valley community in a locally collaborative, culturally sensitive, sustainable and equitable manner in order to increase community resilience in the long term.




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