A Single’s Survival Guide to Valentine’s Day

It can be difficult for many single individuals to avoid the emotional overcast of seeing so many others celebrating their love. The unattached, however, have alternatives to the feeling of aloneness that Valentine’s Day can trigger. There are numerous ways to make Valentine’s Day their own. Love is not strictly romantic—celebrate the many ways it shapes your world.

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    A Single’s Survival Guide to Valentine’s Day

    A Single’s Survival Guide to Valentine’s Day

    One origin story for St. Valentine’s Day goes as far back as the Roman Empire. It seemed that Emperor Claudius II believed that single men made for better soldiers and, consequently, outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, a priest in the third century Catholic Church, decided this was unjust and began to marry young men in defiance of the emperor. When his disobedience was discovered, Valentine was put to death.

    Another story holds that celebrating St. Valentine’s Day in the middle of February was an attempt by the Catholic Church to supplant, or “Christianize,” the pagan celebration of Lupercalia—a fertility festival honoring the Roman deity Faunus in which the ceremony of slapping women gently with a bloodied goat hide would make them more fertile.

    Given these rather gruesome historical references, you may find yourself asking how Valentine’s Day became a celebration of love and partnership. That said, it’s little wonder it has become a holiday dreaded by single people ever since. Fret not, singletons! Here are some suggestions to ward off the Valentine’s Day blues.

    Enjoying Valentine’s Day: A Guide for Singles

    It can be difficult for many single individuals to avoid the emotional overcast of seeing so many others celebrating their love. The unattached, however, have alternatives to the feeling of aloneness that this day can trigger. There are numerous ways to make Valentine’s Day their own. Love is not strictly romantic—celebrate the many ways it shapes your world.

    • Plan a night with other singles. Whether it’s a dinner party or a play, enjoy this day with good friends.
    • Treat yourself. Get that massage or plan a trip out of town with a good friend or family member.
    • Spread the love. There are many forms of love, so think of ways to show the people who mean the most to you that you love them. Cook a meal for parents. Take an aunt or grandparent out to dinner. Go to a movie with a niece or nephew.
    • Go to a comedy show. Bring a friend and the let laughter release those feel-good endorphins.
    • Serve others. Find a way to volunteer to meet a community need. The ideas are infinite (e.g., bring classic movies to a nursing home, serve meals to the homeless).
    • Learn something new. Take a dance lesson or a self-defense course. Learn a new language.
    • Plan your next vacation. Few things are more satisfying and distracting than planning your next big vacation.
    • Call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. They will be thrilled to hear from you. It will remind you of how loved you are.

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