Category: Markets and Investments

A Game of Broker/Dealers

A Message from AP’s CEO Lon T. Dolber offers some frank discussion on B/D consolidation and why advisors are coming up short when they are thrown in the game of B/Ds.

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The Odd Index or Two

More than a century later since the founding by Dow Jones of the world’s first stock market index, we’re still trying to predict the direction of stock prices and track broader economic activity through the use of these analytical indices, some of which have very odd names.

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Monkeys in Suits

My grandfather, an avid stock market speculator in his day, once told me when I was a kid that most market participants had terrible investment performance even through some of the strongest bull markets. “Humans are herd animals, just like sheep,” he told me. “Even the professionals?” I asked. “They might be the worst.

Basically, Wall Street is filled with a bunch of monkeys in suits.” I was shocked, but apparently not enough to deter me from pursuing a career on Wall Street. The conversation with my grandfather pushed me to look at things a little differently throughout my career. I studied the great investors to understand what made them great and then applied what I learned…

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Adapting Your Practice to an Aging Client Base

As a financial advisor, your training and experience prepares you to give great financial planning and investment advice, but it may not have prepared you for the unique challenges working with an aging client may bring.

Financial literacy drops by about 1.5 percentage points every year after age 60, occurring uniformly across sex, wealth, education level and stock market experience. 1

With Baby Boomers now turning 70, the percentage of your clients over age 60 may be at its highest point in your career, and likely heading higher.


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