Tag: retirement

So, You Want to Retire Abroad…

There is a sense of adventure attached to living in the midst of Italy’s historic art and culinary achievements, relaxing on the sunny Mediterranean coast of Spain, or soaking in the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. If you’re contemplating retiring abroad, living out of the country is not only exciting, but can also be less expensive, potentially increasing the life of your retirement nest egg.

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Should Retirees Sell Their Home?

For many retirees, the decision to sell their home may be clear, while others may be forced to sell due to financial reasons. For others still, the decision is a difficult one since they see benefits and disadvantages to the options in front of them.

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Monitoring Your Retirement Income Plan

Physicians monitor the health of their patients by measuring a range of vital signs to help detect signs of potentially deteriorating medical conditions in individuals. Similarly, financial professionals must also monitor the vital signs of a retiree’s retirement income plan due to the special challenges of sustaining retirement income over 25 or more years.

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Overcoming Women’s Retirement Challenges

However wonderful a dancer Fred Astaire was, Ginger Rogers did everything he did, but backwards and in high heels. Women planning their retirement may sometimes feel like Ginger Rogers—having to execute far more difficult steps just to keep up.

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