Top Five Ideas for a Local Press Release

Getting mentioned in the local press can be a source of exceptionally valuable exposure. Press releases can position you as a thought leader, add to your credibility with clients and prospects, and even represent the first step in becoming the go-to person for local media on financial planning and investment news.

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    Top Five Ideas for a Local Press Release

    Top Five Ideas for a Local Press Release

    Getting mentioned in the local press can be a source of exceptionally valuable exposure. Press releases can position you as a thought leader, add to your credibility with clients and prospects, and even represent the first step in becoming the go-to person for local media on financial planning and investment news. Issuing a press release that grabs the attention of journalists and editors requires that you have something interesting to say that is of value to their readers or generally newsworthy.

    Here are five ideas that can convert your press release into free publicity for your practice.

    Five Winning Press Release Ideas

    1. Author a white paper debunking an industry myth. Exploding a common misconception harbored by many investors (and very often by journalists) is a great way to grab attention, while still providing valuable information. There are plenty of investment myths from which to choose. Here are a few: bonds are safer than stocks; five-star funds are the best investment; target date funds are a perfect single-decision investment; and stock exposure should be reduced in retirement.
    2. Create a “Top 10 Mistakes Retirees Make” list. Americans love Top 10 lists. Make one based on your own experience with clients. Try to make it relevant to your local marketplace; for instance, risk of highly concentrated positions in a local employer.
    3. Sponsor an event to celebrate a recognized observance. From National Financial Literacy Month to Giving Tuesday, announce an event you are sponsoring related to that holiday or observance. Whether it’s an after-school program to teach youth about money or a legacy planning seminar to acknowledge Giving Tuesday, be sure to invite the press.
    4. Announce a “green” initiative. An earlier blog post, Do You Have a Sustainability Statement for Your Practice?, discussed ways to make your practice more green and attract investors who only want to work with environmentally-aware businesses. Once you implement your green practices, make the most of it by letting local media know.
    5. Announce a new education or advice initiative. Whether you teach adult classes at night, help the underserved with financial and tax advice, or teach children financial fundamentals, community involvement is likely to be of great interest to local media, so don’t be shy about promoting what you are currently doing, or starting a program and issuing a press release about it.

    Before you write any press release, learn how to write a press release for maximum exposure and effect.

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