Creating Great Client Experiences

Memorable experiences create human connections, which is why advisors are constantly searching for client event ideas that clients will appreciate and remember.






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    Creating Great Client Experiences

    Creating Great Client Experiences

    Memorable experiences create human connections, which is why advisors are constantly searching for client event ideas that clients will appreciate and remember.  Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

    The Client Event Idea List

    1. Sponsor a Quarterly Speaker Series

    Learning about something new and interesting is always valued and appreciated.  Think about a quarterly “Speaker Series” in which you bring in a varied range of experts to talk to your clients. Perhaps one time it’s a psychologist to discuss the challenges of adapting to retirement, and another time it’s a travel planner specializing in African tours. You might even think of having a client speak if they have a unique experience or skill set.

    1. Annual Picnic

    Consider a day to make it all about family. Reserve a spot in a local park, or hold it at the zoo. Either way, a picnic or clambake is a wonderful way for your clients to interact and for you to meet the people they hold important in their lives. Don’t forget to have planned activities for the children and some entertainment everyone can enjoy.

    1. Valentine’s Day

    More than half of Americans identify as single*, so why not create an opportunity to do something that doesn’t involve a partner? If you can get your spouse or partner to agree, advisors can set up a meeting of clients and their friends to spend Valentine’s Day evening enjoying a version of “TedTalks,” with a financial planning discussion, healthy living presentations, etc.

    1. Cooking Lesson

    Cooking is all the rage, so bring your best clients in to learn from an experienced chef how to plan, prepare and cook a knockout dinner. Under a professional’s close direction, your clients can share in the preparation of a dinner and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Be sure to bring wines that pair well with the planned menu.

    1. Plan a Fundraiser

    Many advisors sit on the boards of local charities, or actively participate in them.  Why not combine a client event with fundraising in which a raffle is added to the event where donated local services can be auctioned off?  It may even help you get to know more local business leaders as you connect with them to gain their participation.


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