The Keys to Health: Start with the Simple Stuff

Whatever your idea of health might be, the truth is that you are what you eat, and you are your diet and lifestyle choices. Humans are very physical beings, and proper rest and recovery is essential for optimal health.




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    The Keys to Health: Start with the Simple Stuff

    The Keys to Health: Start with the Simple Stuff

    Whatever your idea of health might be, the truth is that you are what you eat, and you are your diet and lifestyle choices. Humans are very physical beings, and proper rest and recovery is essential for optimal health.

    Diet and exercise are what we typically resort to in order to correct imbalances and attempt to become “healthier.” The truth is that we need to find a healthy balance by engaging in lifestyle choices that are in sync with our biology and physiology.

    It’s not unusual to find ourselves assessing our health and realizing that we need to make a change. Unfortunately, we tend to go to extremes with an “all or nothing” attitude. We end up pushing ourselves too hard, setting ambitious goals and having expectations that are unrealistic. No wonder we end up overwhelmed and stressed out. Then just one weekend of “cheating” sabotages our efforts and we’re back to square one. Starting a diet and/or exercise program can be very hard to get going, but the easiest thing in the world to stop! That’s what happens when we set our expectations too high and live by stringent guidelines.

    In my experience, dealing with the small things first often leads to some of the most significant results. It might be as simple as cutting the amount of sugar you put in your coffee or the ice cream you have each night before bed. You don’t need to turn your life upside down to get results. You just need to be patient with yourself. Real change takes time. Our efforts often fail when we try to make too big of a difference, too quickly. You didn’t get to where you are today overnight, so don’t expect to experience dramatic results right away. Simply knowing that you’re making healthy choices and doing the best you can is enough. How many of you know someone who lost a significant amount of weight quickly and managed to keep it off? It’s a rare occurrence and, usually, the person has to adhere to a rigorous set of rules to maintain the results. Additionally, we shouldn’t measure success by merely looking at a number on a scale. How you feel mentally and physically is a more accurate indicator of health than weight in many cases.

    Now that you understand that sleep, diet and exercise are the key to living a truly healthy life, begin by identifying areas in your life that need attention and put them closer to the top of your priority list.




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