Tips to Improve Your Office’s First Impression

Much of how a client or prospect perceives your practice will be influenced by how they are treated in reception. Feeling welcomed and cared about are powerful feelings to create—and they represent a great first step to cementing a long-term relationship.

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    Tips to Improve Your Office’s First Impression

    Tips to Improve Your Office’s First Impression

    Will Rogers once said, “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” Have you ever wondered what the first impression your office makes on clients and prospects when they visit?

    Here are ideas tips to improve your office’s first impression:

    1. The Welcome Matters
    Your reception area needs to be clean and clutter free, with the welcome desk staffed by a friendly, warm personality at all times. Display any industry awards, media mentions or accolades. Highlight your company’s charity.

    2. Make Visitors Comfortable

    Put your visitors at ease by:

    • Offering refreshments—Coffee, tea and water are basic offerings, but consider real cups or mugs, and a pitcher of ice water and glasses, rather than bottled water. Think about going a step beyond by offering fruit juice, smoothies, branded sweets or fruit.

    • Providing comfortable furniture—Sit on your reception area’s furniture. Is it comfortable? Does it feel clean? Only by placing yourself in your visitors’ shoes can you truly understand their experience.

    • Creating a relaxed ambience—Reception areas ought to be well lit, but it shouldn’t be harsh. Lamps and dimmers can help create the right balance of light. Always ensure that the temperature is not too warm or too cool.

    • Let Waiting Time be Well Spent
    Sometimes visitors have to spend more than a brief moment in your reception area. What do you have for them to occupy this waiting period? Consider:

    • Reading materials—There should be current issues of your respective publication choices. Don’t select publications that list the “top 10 funds to invest in this year.” Include some more academic periodicals, since it projects your deep thinking on how their money is managed by you.

    • Television—While a financial channel may seem sensible, do you really want visitors listening to nervous nellies screaming at them before a meeting with you? Moreover, which channel? Fox Business may offend some for how they perceive its political coverage and CNBC speaks to a trader’s mentality. Try the Travel Channel; after all, isn’t great adventure one of the reasons clients save for their future?

    • Wireless access—Let your clients and visitors onto your wireless internet system password protected. Think about installing a separate wireless account so they can stay productive and experience the highest speed network while they wait.

    Much of how a client or prospect perceives your practice will be influenced by how they are treated in reception. Feeling welcomed and cared about are powerful feelings to create—and they represent a great first step to cementing a long-term relationship.

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    Director of Marketing and Communications 
    631.439.4600, ext. 224 


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