Breaking Conventional Thinking

It may take courage to question our truths and assumptions, but it is only through honest self-reflection and criticism that individuals can change the way they see their world. Here are five book suggestions to get you started in breaking conventional thinking and changing the way you see the world and yourself.

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    Breaking Conventional Thinking

    Breaking Conventional Thinking

    The most powerful question in human history is “Why?” Asking why has always been the catalyst of human progress and self-improvement.

    Breaking the conventional thinking of our business and personal lives can lead us to a better place—a more productive practice, a happier home life or a healthier lifestyle.

    It may take courage to question our truths and assumptions, but it is only through honest self-reflection and criticism that individuals can change the way they see their world. If you’re interested in changing the way you see the world and yourself, we offer five book suggestions to get you started.

    Five Books to Change the Way You Think

    1. The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life (Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander)—This is a guide that offers concrete examples and advice to change your outlook and open up the door to a universe of new possibilities.
    2. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead (Brene Brown)—Inspired by Teddy Roosevelt’s “The Man in the Arena” speech, this book explores how vulnerability is a measure of courage rather than one of weakness—a change in perspective that may unlock a newer, better self.
    3. Lateral Thinking (Edward de Bono)—This book explains the idea of thinking laterally and how it can spark creative thinking. Sir Richard Branson commented that, “If more bankers and traders had read ‘Lateral Thinking’and applied the ideas of Edward de Bono to their own narrow definitions of risk, reward, and human expectations, I suspect we would be in much better shape than we are.”
    4. A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule The Future (Daniel H. Pink)—Move over nerds, the Earth’s inheritors will be those with empathy, creativity and the ability to engage. Complete with exercises and resources, this book can help you sharpen your skill set to thrive in the coming “Conceptual Age.”
    5. Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World (Adam M. Grant) —Interested in becoming a more original thinker? This book argues that we’re all creative inside and it outlines the principles to unleash your unique originality. It can also help you become a better leader through proven methods for influencing people.

    Breaking the conventional thinking of the status quo is life-altering. Has a book ever forced you to change your outlook and, thus, your life? Leave a comment to share your recommendation with your fellow financial advisors.

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