Tag: financial advisors

Building a Good Credit History

Having a good credit history is important because it can make credit approval easier, potentially lower interest rates on any loans taken out, lead to higher credit limits and better loan terms, and avoid the security deposits that may be required of individuals with a less positive or shorter credit history.

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To Buy or Lease Your Next Car?

If you follow J. Paul Getty’s dictum that you should buy things that appreciate in value and lease things that depreciate, then the decision to buy or lease a car would be an easy one. But the choice of whether to buy or lease a car isn’t always a purely financial one. Many of the relevant considerations involve personal preferences that touch upon what you want from the car you drive.

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Overcoming Women’s Retirement Challenges

However wonderful a dancer Fred Astaire was, Ginger Rogers did everything he did, but backwards and in high heels. Women planning their retirement may sometimes feel like Ginger Rogers—having to execute far more difficult steps just to keep up.

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Overemployment: Ethical and Practical Considerations

Contradicting the “slacker” reputation of younger workers, a 2023 survey of over 1,200 remote workers conducted by Resume Builder found that 79% have worked two or more jobs in the past year. A third of respondents said they were currently overemployed, with more than half making above six figures in income. Only 10% indicated that balancing multiple jobs was “very difficult.” This new trend of overemployment has raised ethical issues for workers and very practical concerns for employers.

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Looking Ahead to Falling Interest Rates

Though the Fed has left open the possibility of two more rate hikes before the end of the year, investors “looking over the horizon” can see the potential for declining interest rates beginning sometime in 2024. Investors may want to get a head-start on considering some of the beneficiaries of falling interest rates since, because the markets are anticipatory by nature, much of the opportunity may be gone by the time interest rates begin their actual decline.

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